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18. 12. 2006  15:54 | 14_Reblogs_Publications_Expos

Philippe Rahm's "Form & function follow climate" at CCA


Following his thematic Workshop#3 ("Function follows climate"), in the frame of the *Variable_environment/* research project, Philippe Rahm continued to work on his project and it became an exhibition combined with an edition: "Form & function follow climate" at The Centre Canadien d'Architecture in Montreal, Canada. The famous "Nouveau roman" French writer, Alain Robbe-Grillet, wrote all the texts and dialogues for the architectural software "Form & function follow climate". The school, assistants and research project are credited in the publication.
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You can also read this article (pdf version) from MONITOR #42 about the project and exhibition
Or check this other one (pdf version) from FRAME #56.

Posted by patrick keller at 18. 12. 2006 15:54