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15. 05. 2006  16:40 | 04_Workshop_2 , 10_Partners , 12_Curated_posts

Ben Hooker - Dataclimates - Royal College of Art, London

Ben Hooker will join the project for a workshop beginning of May.
Ben has collaborated with Tony Dunne and Fiona Raby on several research projects for the Royal College of Art (i.e. see the FLIRT or the PRESENCE projects). He is the founder of Dataclimates, an agency that has interests in research, architecture, contemporary space and interaction.

Ben Hooker was also a teacher at the Royal College of Art, Interaction Design (MA) and at Central St-Martins College of Art & Design, Graphic Design (BA), until 2005.

Posted by patrick keller at 15. 05. 2006 16:40